Charles Florentino
Charlie is a Cincinnati based oil painter who works out of his home studio and on occasion will venture in Plein Air.
Glowing River (class demo and instruction with Chuck Marshal), 12x16, $650
Marsh Sunset, 12x16, $450
Portrush, Northern Ireland, 12x16, $650
River’s Edge, 9x12, $450
Running River, 12x16, $525
A Walk Through Mariemont Garden’s Park, 12x16, $350
Evening Comes, 12x16, $325
Dix River Vista. 11"x14". $425
Guardian of the Ninth.11" x14". $550
Desert Rocks. 9"x12". $325
Pewter Vase. 9" x12". $450
Swimming Hole. 9"x12". $375
Low Country Morning. 18"x24". $450
Roadside Barn. 9"x12". 175
Eden Park Bridge. 11" x14". $325
Hydrangeas. 18" x24". $325
Out for a Stroll. 11" x14". $250
Wyoming Barn. 10" x14". $275
Adirondack Chair. 8" x8". $175
Buffalo Head. 11" x 14". $250
Big Horned Ram. 10" x12". $225
Cups and Cherry. 9" x12". $175
Fall River Scene, 9x12, $275