Dana Olsen.

My lifetime profession was teaching primary education but I have always made time to produce art and take art classes.

After retirement, I could really focus on my painting. I enjoy painting a variety of subject matter and primarily paint from my own photos, on-site scenes, with a still life or a life experience. Most of my work leans toward a somewhat impressionistic style and I am currently experimenting with abstract impressionism and abstract expressionism.  Some of my paintings are executed very quickly while others are a several month project. I believe paintings are constructed with “pieces of paint” – using correct value, color shape and composition to create a pleasing image. Every one of my abstract works tells a story from a real-life experience. That experience helps guide my painting to say what is important about that moment.

Some of my favorite painters are Ted Goerschner, Charles Sovak, Milton Avery, Nicolai Fechin Franz Biscoff and Larry Moore.

Some of my favorite workshop teachers are Bill Fletcher, Larry Moore, Quang Huang, Anne Blair Brown and Tracy Everly.

Being part of an art community is important to any artist. It provides you support, free critiques, sharing of techniques and overall improves your work. I am member of the Cincinnati Art Club, Signature member of the Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati, Brush and Palette Painters of Cincinnati and Hog Bristle Painters.

Pieces of my work are currently shown at:

Eisele Gallery of Fine Art – Cincinnati, Ohio

ARTclectic Gallery of Fine Art – Cincinnati, Ohio

2024 Clifton Cultural Arts Center Juried New Woman show

2023 Middletown Juried Show

2023 WACC All member Show – People’s Choice award

2023 Pyramid Hill Juried Show

2023 WACC Juried Show

2022 Middletown Juried Show

2022 Mariemont Barn Juried Big Art Show – Best of Show

2022 Eisele – Bird Show

2022 Evendale Juried Show

2022 WACC Juried Show

2022 WACC Signature Show – Honorable Mention

2021 Viewpoint Juried Show

2021 Middletown Juried Show – Honorable Mention

Best in Show – Oils/Acrylic

2021 WACC Juried Show – Honorable Mention

2021 WACC Signature Show – Honorable Mention

202O Middletown Juried Show – Honorable Mention

2020 WACC Signature Show – Best of Show


Phil Oblinger


Thomas Seward